Gisela H. Kreglinger, LLC
Wine Pilgrimages:
A Unique Experience Blending Wine, Spirituality & Culture

God gave wine to make glad the hearts of humanity - Psalm 104
Wine is a great mystery and an astonishing gift to humanity. Well-crafted wines can make us marvel and instill in us a sense of awe for what this earth is capable of bringing forth. They lift us out of the mundane to a place of wonder and give us a glimpse into the very heart of what it means to be alive in this world. We need to re-disover together that wine is indeed a spiritual gift that helps us re-connect with the earth, one another and ultimately with the Giver of all good things, God himself .
Join me for a weeklong exploration of the spirituality of wine and food as we immerse ourselves into the history of wine in Burgundy, France and Franconia, Germany, two regions rich in Christian history, spirituality and a vibrant wine culture. We shall follow in the steps of the medieval monks and nuns who transformed Europe into a 'Garden of Eden' like agricultural paradise.
Please note that this is not a traditional pilgrimage or wine tour. Rather, it is a spiritual, cultural and sensory exploration of the spirituality of wine and food. As a small and intimate group, we shall reflect on the various aspects of the spirituality of food and wine, visit monasteries, wineries, listen to local vignerons (wine makers), savor well crafted wine and enjoy local cuisine. Dr. Gisela Kreglinger will offer reflections, short presentations and commentaries to help immerse ourselves into a time long gone and yet ever present through the spiritual and cultural heritage that we still enjoy today, not least in the gift of a well crafted glass of wine. The week will climax in a Babette's Feast like celebration.
Aubert de Villaine, lovingly called "Saint Aubert" by local Burgundians, has been passionate about preserving the heritage of Abbey St. Vivant, whose monks first planted some of the most famous Grand Crus of Burgundy.
Mr. de Villaine believes that the monks planted vineyards with the vision to craft great wine for the glory of God. He is still inspired by that same spirit. His passion to craft the highest quality and beauty in wine for his own wineries Domaine de la Romanée-Conti and Domaine A. et P. de Villaine have made his wines renowned throughout the world.
Soli Deo Gloria: Glory to God alone.

Please get in touch if you are interested in joining a wine pilgrimage and I will send you further information.
No previous knowledge of wine is necessary. Whilst there will be some walking, a bus will take us to all our destinations.
Please send me a note to receive further information: giselakreglinger@gmail.com